Use "love|loves" in a sentence

1. Arctophile, I Love Teddy Bears. Arctophile, one who loves teddy bears.

2. When someone loves none, he will fall in love with anyone around him.

3. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”

4. I do not think Tom actually loves his spinster aunt . Its simply cupboard love.

5. 9 When someone loves none, he will fall in love with anyone around him.

6. The one you love also loves you. This is a miracle. And the god names this as falling in love with each other.

7. God’s love is so great that He loves even the proud, the selfish, the arrogant, and the wicked.

8. It doesn’t take long to sense that my guide loves snakes the way others love poodles or parakeets.

9. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” —1 John 2:15.

10. He loves money more than he loves God.

11. "Everybody Loves Hugo" at ABC "Everybody Loves Hugo" on IMDb "Everybody Loves Hugo" at

12. Does Astrophil, who is the ostensible author, mean he loves truth or that it is true he is in love?

13. Actually gives up also is one kind of love, only is when loves flusheswas muddleheaded , own not necessarily can realize.

14. Cyclist is for anyone that loves cycling and loves bikes

15. An Ailurophilic person, from Greek αἴλουρος (aíluros, cat) and cat (philia, love, taste) is the one who loves cats

16. She loves flowers.

17. Aunt Chippy loves to scream and Jimmy Kimmel loves to prank

18. One thing I would love to see from Kiritos perspective as Asuna over kills her with Brashnesses and Kirito loves it

19. Whoever loves becomes humble. Those who love have, so to speak, pawned a part of their narcissism. Sigmund Freud 

20. Everybody loves trout.

21. Masterson loves alliteration.

22. Jolly loves clovers.

23. Your father loves you like you'll love Bozo, but you Barretts are so proud that you'll always think you hate each other.

24. She loves the gospel, and she loves the Church but still has questions.

25. He hates and loves the Ring, as he hates and loves himself.

26. Bibliophilia or Bibliophilism is the love of books, and a Bibliophile or bookworm is an individual who loves and frequently reads books.

27. He loves that dog.

28. She Loves Me, But She Loves Me Not The Affectional systems In A

29. Loves to fool you.

30. Dad loves the slots.

31. She loves him dearly.

32. She loves raw fish.

33. He loves to skate.

34. Minelli is a born performer - she loves the excitement and she loves the adulation.

35. She loves my zestiness

36. Susie loves Japanese music.

37. No one loves school.

38. He loves her faithfully.

39. Ailurophile: One who loves cats

40. The bird loves her nest.

41. Tina loves hot spicy food.

42. He loves vanilla ice-cream.

43. She loves her children dearly.

44. He loves his mother dearly.

45. Every woman loves French perfume.

46. She loves to peddle gossip.

47. Sam loves to drink blood.

48. 26 He loves roller skating.

49. 94 He Loves Little Children

50. He loves riding these waves!

51. He loves truth and justice.

52. They don't want loves stories.

53. Indeed, God loves the Brokenhearted

54. The devil loves unspoken secrets.

55. Everyone loves those bear claws.

56. She loves to organize people.

57. O'Leary flat out loves teaching.

58. 3 My sister loves paisley.

59. Batos loves to lecture and teach

60. Fred loves to watch the sandpipers.

61. He loves to play table tennis.

62. Mimi loves to play scavenge hunt.

63. He loves poetry for beauty's sake.

64. He loves spreading alarm and despondency.

65. Birde loves to cuddle and just

66. Just A Girl Who Loves Axolotls …

67. She just loves the hard wood.

68. He loves his grandchild very much.

69. 8 He loves her to distraction.

70. Every mother loves her children dearly.

71. We will pray with all the energy of our hearts to love our enemies as He loves them (see Matthew 5:43–44; Moroni 7:48).

72. " America loves alliteration, " whatever that means.

73. She loves to hike and climb.

74. He loves science fiction in particular.

75. Jack, who also loves her, agrees.

76. Everybody loves a good sex murder.

77. She loves to drink herbal teas.

78. Nick loves fixing up old cars.

79. He loves the rugged outdoor life .

80. Bitching 'bout the loves we've had